Throughout the past few months as other social justice and equality initiatives have regained traction, event content managers are revisiting their overall speaker diversity lineups for their events. So the question weighing on the minds of event content strategists is how to create a culture of content and speaker diversity without falling into the trap of quotas. According to the Brookings Institute, the United States is made up of 49.7% whites, 13.1% blacks, 24.6% Hispanics, 7.9% Asians, and 3.8% multiracial populations. Men and women are at about a 1-to-1 ratio. Somewhere between 4.5% and 23.6% of the US population identify as LGBT (depending on the study you read). So what is our statistical responsibility in programming our keynote stages to be representative of our attendee demographics versus the US demographics, versus global demographics… or (and more likely) should we be looking at diversity in a completely different way?